Some of the things we learn about this week:
- Some sources of network-based evidences are:
- On the wire, these are physical cabling that carries data over the network.
- In the Air, these refers to wireless stations – to – station signals.
- Switches, can be used to get MAC addresses of the devices.
- Routers, used to get the IP addresses and port numbers. Most routers have logging functions & intrusion detection.
- DHCP Server, leases IP addresses & create log of events (IP addresses, MAC addresses).
- DNS Server, maps IP addresses to host names.
- Authentication Server, centralized the authentication services.
- NIDS/NIPS, monitors real time network traffic.
- Firewalls, does a deep packet inspection and either forward, log or drop the packet accordingly.
- Web Proxies, used to analyze phishing email successes, inappropriate web surfing habits and web-based malware.
- Application Server, store application logs, authorization data, clients information.
- Centralized Log Server, it combines event logs from many sources where they can be time stamped, correlated and analyze automatically.
- Modem, the main function is as a gateway for Internet access.