COMP6348 Network Forensics – Week 10

Some things we learned this week are:

  • Types of storage media includes; ROM, NVRAM, DRAM, CAM and Hard Drive.
  • Switches are used to map MAC addresses to the corresponding physical switch ports.
  • There are different types of switches; such as, Managed Switches, Smart Switches and Home Switches.
  • Routers, as it name suggests, are used to route the packets to either other networks or the different devices that connects to a certain network. There are several types of router; enterprise, consumer and custom routers.
  • Firewalls is a security device, that monitors the packets and traffic going in and out. As a security device, its log files contains more extensive info; these includes, connection attempts, protocols used, and applications. Just like routers, both consumer grade and enterprise grade firewalls exists.

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COMP6348 Network Forensics – Week 8

Some of the things we learned this week are:

  • We learned about the differences between NIDS and NIPS. NIDS or network intrusion detection system examines the network traffic patterns to identify intrusions for an entire network. NIPS or network intrusion prevention system examines network traffic flows to detect and prevent vulnerability exploits.
  • Rules used to detect the intrusions itself are always being updated by other researches themselves.
  • There are two types of IDS (Intrusion Detection System), commercial (paid) and open-source (free). Examples of IDS are NGIPS, Extreme NIPS, Tipping Point IPS, etc.

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COMP6348 Network Forensics – Week 7

Some of the things we learned this week includes:

  • The differences of AM & FM radio signals. AM refers to amplitude modulation, whereas FM refers to frequency modulation. AN AM signal usually has more ranges as compared to FM signals, however it does have less power.
  • We also learned about “The Evil Twin Attack”. As quoted from wikipedia, “An evil twin is a fraudulent Wi-Fi access point that appears to be legitimate but is set up to eavesdrop on wireless communications. The evil twin is the wireless LAN equivalent of the phishing scam. “

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COMP6348 Network Forensics – Week 5

Some of the things we learned this week are:

  • The goal of evidence acquisition is to find & gather data from various network sources in an organization, though trying to minimalize the impact on the organization itself while doing so.
  • To conduct a physical interception, some tools & techniques used are inline network tapping, “vampire taps”, induction coils, etc.

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COMP6348 Network Forensics – Week 4

Some of the things we learned about this week are :

  • We learned about flow analysis. Flow itself refers to the act of sending a group of packets from a source to a certain destination. Flow analysis, is simply an analysis to find patterns and suspicious activities on the flow itself.
  • The difference between unicast, anycast, and multicast.
  • Some tools used when conducting a flow analysis includes, WireShark, TShark, TcpFlow, PcapCat, etc.

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COMP6348 Network Forensics – Week 2

Some of the things we learn about this week:

  • Some sources of network-based evidences are:
    • On the wire, these are physical cabling that carries data over the network.
    • In the Air, these refers to wireless stations – to – station signals.
    • Switches, can be used to get MAC addresses of the devices.
    • Routers, used to get the IP addresses and port numbers. Most routers have logging functions & intrusion detection.
    • DHCP Server, leases IP addresses & create log of events (IP addresses, MAC addresses).
    • DNS Server, maps IP addresses to host names.
    • Authentication Server, centralized the authentication services.
    • NIDS/NIPS, monitors real time network traffic.
    • Firewalls, does a deep packet inspection and either forward, log or drop the packet accordingly.
    • Web Proxies, used to analyze phishing email successes, inappropriate web surfing habits and web-based malware.
    • Application Server, store application logs, authorization data, clients information.
    • Centralized Log Server, it combines event logs from many sources where they can be time stamped, correlated and analyze automatically.
    • Modem, the main function is as a gateway for Internet access.

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COMP6348 Network Forensics – Week 1

Some of the things we learn about this week:

  • Network forensics is a part of digital forensics that focuses on monitoring and analysing network traffic. Its purpose is for intrusion detection/prevention, information gathering and legal evidence.
  • Some differences regarding a traditional computer forensics and network forensics. On computer forensics, data does not change much on daily usage, the evidences are contained within the file system, it is easy to perform a forensically sound acquisition and that seizing one or several computers would not impact the business deeply. On network forensics though, data changes constantly, on some cases the evidences may exists only on RAM, the fact that most network devices does not have non-volatile storage and that taking network devices would be problematic (to the business).
  • A Digital Evidence, according to the National Institute of Justice US, is “Information stored or transmitted in binary form that may be relied on in court”.
  • We briefly learned about two investigative methodology; OSCAR and TAARA. OSCAR includes 5 main steps, “Obtain Information”, “Strategize”, “Collect Evidence”, “Analyze” and “Report”.

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COMP6210 – Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing

Here are some of the tools used during the penetration testing for the final project report.

Name: Alifio Rasendriya Rasyid

ID: 2201798295

Class: L4BC-LEC

Tools Used:


  • Censys is a search engine that scans the Internet searching for devices and return aggregate reports on how resources (i.e. Devices, websites, and certificates) are configured and deployed (Paganini, 2015). In this case, I used it to gain the real IP address of the target.

2. Paros

  • Paros is a java-based tool used for web application auditing, testing, and debugging. It has a proxy feature which enables it to capture and inspect traffic flow from the browser to the host. On top of capturing traffic, Paros also has other features such as ‘Spider’ and ‘Scan’ option.

3. Nikto

  • Nikto is a simple and free web-server scanner that examines a website and shows some vulnerabilities that can be used to later exploit the website. It is built-in / available on the Kali Linux default package and can be used through the terminal. Although it is very useful and effective; Nikto has one disadvantage. It is not stealthy at all, any site with a intrusion-detection system would be able to detect that it’s being scanned. (Kody, 2019)


  • Pentest-tools is a website that offers a free light website vulnerability scanning on any website. Since this tool is widely available and can be used freely (for limited number of time), I have decided to include it as one of the web scanning tools.

5. WPScan

  • WPScan is a WordPress web vulnerability scanner, it is built-in / pre-installed on the default Kali Linux package and should run normally by simple typing ‘wpscan’ on the terminal. Since the target is a WordPress websites, this tool is particularly effective.

6. CloudFail

  • CloudFail is an information gathering tool used to gather information on a target protected by Cloudflare. CloudFail is not available on the default package, you will need to download it from

7. WhoIS

  • In kali linux, the whois command is used to search through the WHOIS database. This database may reveal some personal information about the owner of the website (Mahajan, 2020).

8. CeWL

  • CeWL is a ruby app which spiders a given url to a specified depth, optionally following external links, and returns a list of words which can then be used for password crackers such as John the Ripper. (KaliTools, n.d.).
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COMP6345 – Intelligent Systems, Weekly Report

Week 1

This week we were introduced to the world of Artificial Intelligence (A.I) and Machine Learning (M.L). We learned about the differences between A.I. and M.L. as well as a short history of it; for example, we learned about John McCarthy who was considered to be the father of A.I. Furthermore, we were thought a bit about the concept surrounding A.I. and how it works. What an Intelligent Agent is and how it uses ‘sensors’ to determined how to act rationally upon that environment using ‘actuators’.

Week 2

This week we mainly learned about Search Strategies. It can be classified to two different types; Uninformed and Informed, although we mainly learned and discussed about Uninformed Search Strategies (USS) for this week. It is basically strategies where they do not know whether a node is ‘more promising’ than the others. There are five methods (that we learned of anyway) of USS, some of which we have actually learned in the previous semester.

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ISYS6169 – Final Project Team Contribution

  • Nicholas Michael Halim : Adding the UI effect, Make a graph/chart revenue on home menu, Back-end programming, Add convert PDF invoice code, Handle complex query, and final project report.
  • Alifio Rasendriya Rasyid : Adding the UI effect, Designing UI, Whole Back-end programming, and complex back-end, Making Database on PhpMyAdmin, Make Database relation, error handling & validation, and final project report.
  • Muchsin Hisyam : Most of UI Designs, Back-end programming, Making Database on PhpMyAdmin, Make Database relation, error handling  & validation, and final project report.
  • Ricky Anderson : Make proposal, and final project report.
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